Generations homeschool review

Generations Homeschool Curriculum Reviews


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When I started homeschooling, I wasn’t sure what I was doing, but I knew that I wanted my children to have the best education with a Christ-centered focus. I am so glad I found Kevin Swanson and his ministry Generations. This post will review the Generations Homeschool curriculum.

Note: I would like to thank the Generations team for providing curriculum to review. All opinions in this post are my own. Links in this post may be affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Please read my full disclosure policy here.

Before I started homeschooling, I started listening to homeschool podcasts and “how to homeschool” training. In my research, I found Generations through their daily podcast. I highly recommend this podcast for the timely discussion of current events from a Biblical perspective. These podcasts could be used for current event discussions with high schoolers.

The more I listened to these podcasts, the more I was sure that God was calling us to homeschool. 

Then, I learned that Generations also had a homeschool curriculum for high school and middle school. Recently, they have even expanded into elementary grades in the last 2 years.  Generations curriculum provides faith-building experiences for your whole family.

Christian Worldview

I have been a Christian since I was five years old. I grew up in a Christian home and I attended a Christian school and college.

But the teaching of Kevin Swanson Generations in history and worldview/philosophy has profoundly changed my understanding and strengthened my faith.  I have always been taught that history is God’s story, but Kevin Swanson’s perspective gives you the definitive view that all history is God building his kingdom and God’s purpose for us.

When choosing a homeschool curriculum the worldview of the author makes a difference. It will shape how you and your kids see the world. The greatest education you can give your children is for them to understand the world from a Christian worldview.

Generations Homeschool Elementary Curriculum

The books in the elementary collection are newer. The elementary books include reading, history, science, and family read-aloud books. These books provide a solid foundation for elementary-age children.

The Generations history books tell the story of the gospel of Jesus spread across the world using history to tell the story. Each grade covers a different continent. 

The science books each show God created the world through the study of plants, life, animals, and more.

My favorite books in the elementary curriculum are the reading/language arts books. These books tell the story of the Bible through reading passages in the Bible and stories to read. Your child will learn to read by starting with the greatest book of all time. 

There are 5 books in this Bible/reading set each with about 65-70 lessons.  We would study 2 per week, dividing the reading and workbook practice over 2 days and one day for a catch-up. Each lesson has comprehension questions, vocabulary practice, and writing.

Generations homeschool books

Generations Homeschool Middle School and High School Curriculum

My children were mostly middle school and high school age when we started homeschooling. I have more experience with Generations for middle school and high school.

Every book from Generations that we have studied I strongly recommend. One of my children didn’t like reading much, so we did most of the subjects by reading the books aloud and talking about the ideas. I’ve read with my kids America in God’s Providence, Preparing the World for Jesus, Taking the World for Jesus, Worldviews in Conflict, God & Government, and The Tattooed Jesus. When he graduated, I felt like I had a high school refresher.

Generations also has a great Bible curriculum. They offer Bible studies on Psalms, Proverbs, Matthew, John, and Genesis. These books are written in a devotional style with daily response questions. These studies are perfect for your homeschool Bible class. Proverbs is written as a 3 book set and one book can be covered for 3 years in high school plus one more of your choice.

Generations Homeschool Bible resources

Every Generations middle and high book we have used has been written well. The books are character-focused (not just timelines of events). These books will develop a deep thinking and Christian worldview for your children.

You don’t want to miss their 2 new books for middle school and high school coming in June 2023 – Worldview: What We Believe, What They Believe and Why They are Wrong and How Jesus Built His Church.

In conclusion, I give my strongest recommendation to all Generations homeschool curriculum.  I have read Bible lessons in elementary, science in middle school, history, and worldview in high school. Each of these books has given me new insights into each subject and trained my children for life with a Christian worldview. Without hesitation, I recommend all Generations curricula.

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  1. Hi,
    I know that Generations delivers a 6,000-year-old earth perspective, but in the way it is delivered, will that be giving the child/teen the impression that one cannot be a Christian if they believe the earth is older than that? I have heard this as a problem with some other YE curricula (AIG), and I do not want my students coming out with that belief. It is our faith in Christ that saves us, not our interpretation (as there are multiple meanings) of the Hebrew words for “day” and “begat”.
    If you (or anyone else reading this!) have an answer, I’d appreciate it 🙂

    1. Hi Alexandra, I have used many textbooks from Generations. I don’t recall them ever teaching that you must believe young earth theory to be a Christian. Although their texts would teach from the young earth perspective.

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