I John 1:9 Faithful and just to forgive

I John 1:9 faithful and just to forgive our sin.

When we sin, especially if we feel that it was a “big sin”, we often struggle with accepting God’s forgiveness. We doubt God’s love and we question if we are worthy of his forgiveness. These feelings lead us to feel guilty. If we don’t accept God’s forgiveness, guilt can overwhelm and cripple us.


If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us the sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

I John 1:9

When we sin and feel guilt, it’s because we know we have broken God’s law. God, who created the world, also designed it with order and defined right and wrong according to his holy nature.

But God did not leave us to feel guilty for our sins. He sent Jesus to die on the cross and pay the penalty for our sins. Consistent with his nature, God forgives our sins when we confess them. Once our sin is forgiven, it’s also forgotten. Psalm 103:12 states God removes it as far as the east is from the west.

The guilt we feel for our sin is our conscience warning us we have offended God. The guilt of sin is a terrible burden. John Bunyan wrote Pilgrim’s Progress describing this burden. But guilt is not meant to be a permanent condition. Our guilt calls us to confess our sins and repent. Once we have confessed, God faithfully forgives us.

Because God is faithful and just to forgive our sins, we are able to walk in new life. Each day we will fail to live up to God’s holy nature, but each new morning we are given mercy and forgiven to start fresh.

God doesn’t run out of forgiveness for us. As many times as we fail, if we confess God will forgive us.

Live today as Christian did in Pilgrim’s Progress and drop the burden of your sin.

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