I Peter 5:7 Cast your cares on God

I Peter 5:7 Let Jesus handle it

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Do worry and anxiety keep you awake at night?

Do you feel stressed and anxious during the day?

Does your stomach feel tied in knots?

Worry and anxiety have a way of creeping into our thoughts and impacting us physically and emotionally. I have noticed that once I start to worry about one problem, it’s much easier to start worrying about other problems. If I’m not careful, all my thoughts will be worry.

The Bible gives us a solution for when we are have anxiety and worry.

Casting all your worries on him, because he cares for you.

I Peter 5:7

This is verse is a classic verse on worry. You might have memorized it as a child. God doesn’t want us to carry our worries around with us like a heavy weight. He has a better plan.

Most translations of this of this verse use the phrase “casting all your worries” on God. The word casting to me is forceful. I think I’ll pick up this big problem I have and toss it away from me. God promises he will handle our worries. He loves us.

My NLT translation says, “give all your worries and cares to God.” When I read “give”, I see myself with a big basket of worry and just handing them over to God. I’ll let him handle these problems.

This verse also reminds me of Romans 8:26. We take our worries to God and Romans says that the Spirit prays for us because we don’t know how to pray as we should. How comforting to know that we can take our problems and worries to God and the Holy Spirit will pray for us.

When we are experiencing worry, the second part of this verse reminds us that God loves us and cares for us. He doesn’t want anything bad for us (Romans 8:28-29 – all things work together for good for those that love him).

When you experience worry and anxiety, remember don’t try to handle it all alone. Give your worries to God. He loves you and is ready to help you.

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