Matthew 11:28 – Rest

Matthew 11:28 Let go of your burden

Whenever I hear this verse, I think of people carrying large heavy baskets or wearing backpacks of some type and overtime they feel burdened and overwhelmed. Maybe you think of soldiers in the military carrying their heavy packs on long missions.

Then, there is the spiritual nature of burdens. Sometimes spiritual burdens can be heavier than physical burdens due to the mental distress we experience.

If we have made past mistakes, those regrets can be a burden.

If we impose restrictions and limitations that exceed the Bible requirements, we become legalistic. Although well intended these restrictions can also be a burden, especially when we feel we don’t live up to the expectation.

Sometimes, we feel following God’s commands are are burden. We feel God is taking away our freedoms.

If you carry any of these mental burdens, you likely feel intense stress.

God did not save us for us to carry burdens and be stressed. When we follow Christ the burden is light. Our sins are forgiven and you can forgive yourself, too. We don’t have to add extra rules and restrictions. Finally, God’s law is the safe boundary. When we stay in the boundaries, we are freed and our burdens are lifted.

Whatever burden you have today, I encourage you to lay it down and accept God’s rest.

“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28

God’s rest is the best rest.

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