Psalm 103:8 Showing God's love

Psalm 103:8 – Showing God’s Love

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How does God show love to us? Today’s verse Psalm 103:8 tells us God that God shows us love by being merciful and gracious, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy.

The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.

Psalm 103:8

First, this verse reminds me to be thankful for God’s love. Thankful that God is gracious and merciful with us, not giving us the punishments we deserve.

But not only do I see God’s love for us in this verse, but I see an example of how we can show God’s love to others. We show God’s love by acting as he would.

Our friends and family will make mistakes. They may even make up angry. This verse shows us how we can respond with loving kindness to them.

We can show love to others by being gracious and merciful. By not focusing on the wrongs that have been done to us, but freely offering forgiveness.

We all know someone who knows how to push our buttons and make us angry. We can respond by being quick to anger or slow to anger. This is hard to control anger. It’s especially difficult when we feel we have been wronged to be slow to anger. But, when we give in to anger, we don’t usually get the outcome we want.

We can also show mercy. If you have kids, you know they want justice. If one sibling wronged them or if you made the mistake, they want justice. But we can also react with mercy. We can give up our right to justice for the sake of the other person. We can teach our kids to be merciful.

Today, let’s practice love using the example God showed us. Let’s show mercy and grace. Let’s be slow to anger. Finally, generously give mercy to others.

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