Psalm 118:24 - this is the day

Psalm 118:24 This is the day

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These days I feel tired all the time. It was just a few years ago, I could set an alarm and get right up. But lately, I’m tired. My tiredness is partly age, but mostly the season of life I’m in right now.

When I feel tired, I remind myself of this verse:

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24

This is the day the Lord made. I ask myself, what will I do with this day for Jesus?

My kids are teens and getting them up and going in the morning is also a struggle. I remind them of this verse, “This is the day the Lord made” and I ask them what will you do with today? I want them to think of the days as valuable and actions we take redeem the time for eternity.

Here are 3 things you can we can do each day that will use your time well:

  • Be grateful for the time we are given. We can express gratitude for the day and all we will be able to accomplish.
  • We can serve and help others. As mothers, our biggest act of service is raising our kids. This is hard and challenging work. But day by day, your service to your kids makes a difference.
  • We can praise God for the blessing of each day by sharing with others and through prayer.

As we spend our days serving others and praising God, we’ll find each day there is much to rejoice in.

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