Psalm 86:5

Psalm 86:5 Forgiving and Good

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Yesterday, I started a conversation about guilt and how if we let our thoughts dwell on past mistakes, the guilt can overwhelm and cripple us. The verse from yesterday, Psalms 103:12, reminds us that God separates and removes our sin (and the guilt) as far as the east is from the west.

Today’s verse says not only is God ready to forgive us, but he is good and abounding in kindness to all who call on him.

 For you, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, abundant in loving kindness to all those who call on you.

Psalm 86:5

God, who made heaven and earth, knows you, understands your needs and wants to help you. He wants what is good for you and show you loving kindness.

What is loving kindness?

To me, it’s undeserved favor.

I think of the story of David who promised Jonathan (his best friend and son of the king) that he would protect his family when David became king. Remember, this is a time when a king’s line was replaced all members of the family would be killed. But David found Jonathan’s son, protected him and invited him to eat at the king’s table. You can read the story in II Samuel 9. It’s a beautiful story of forgiveness and kindness.

Accept God’s forgiveness today, and remember God is good and wants to show loving kindness to you.

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