Luke 2:51 Treasure your memories

My son will be graduating from school this year. Every day, we spend an hour or two going over lessons and materials from different subjects he is studying. We have done studies this way for several years. I will miss these times and memories.

And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart. (emphasis added)

Luke 2:51

This passage from Luke describes a time when Jesus was about 12 years old. His parents had taken him to the Passover. Jesus lingered in Jerusalem after his parents started home. When his parents realized he was not with them or their group, they went back to Jerusalem and found him in the temple speaking and asking questions with the teachers (Luke 2:41-50).

After Jesus is found and they start the journey home, Luke wrote the verse of above about Mary treasuring these things in her heart. Mary understood who Jesus was and she knew the prophecies.

As I read this passage, I feel that Mary kept a special memory of this moment in her heart and probably many other days and events with Jesus. She would likely remember this day many times in future.

As my children get closer to becoming adults, I realize my time with them daily will soon be finished. That’s why I want to make the most of each day and each memory. Playing games, watching movies together, and cooking are just a few things I do with them. I try to be involved in their hobbies a little bit more.

Are you treasuring special moments you have with your children? I encourage you to write a journal or record memories from each day or each week. I usually write down special memories in my journal. But we should write daily memories, even the mundane stories of just daily activities. When we look back, even the small moments and memories are special.

Treasure the days with your children and grandchildren.

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