Daily gratitude prompts

30 Gratitude Journal Prompts


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Do you ever feel like you need to step back and get a new perspective? Some days, life seems overwhelming and stressful. Starting a gratitude journal is an easy way to increase your peace, help you relax, and get a better look at life.

Journaling can also help you express your feelings that are causing stress in your life and recognize the many blessings you have. Gratitude journaling is a positive approach to recognizing the good in your life and helping us see we have so much more than we realize. When we only focus on the negative, it’s easy to overlook all the good that is still here with us.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 4 to be content in all circumstances. In life, we go through many stages. At times, life will be good and at other times, we may struggle (spiritually or physically). Paul encourages us to be content in all circumstances.

 Not that I speak because of lack, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content in it. 12 I know how to be humbled, and I also know how to abound. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret both to be filled and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in need. 13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

Philippians 4:11-13 (WEB)

Gratitude journaling is one step you can take that will allow you to see your blessings and be content in all your circumstances of life.

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Getting Started with a Gratitude Journal

You can start a journal with a simple pen and notebook or use a blank journal you have. Once you have established a journaling habit, you can also get fancier journals.

You can also write a gratitude journal in a Google document or app, but I personally find I prefer a written journal I can flip through and read again and again.  

To make gratitude journaling a habit, it’s best to have a set time to write in your journal. But, anytime you get inspired, keep notes on your phone or a notepad in your purse or tote bag so you can journal the details later.

Once you get started with your gratitude journal, you’ll be surprised that gratitude can be found in the everyday moments of life – big and small ones. Start paying attention to people and things around you that you love and appreciate. 

What Should You Write

Gratitude journaling is one of the easiest types of journaling. You can start with this gratitude journal prompt, “Today, I am grateful for…” and complete the sentence. Each time you write in your journal, let your mind consider new ideas, people, and things you are grateful for. Each day, you will have a new focus.

If you prefer, here are 30 gratitude journal prompts to help you start your own gratitude journal.

Gratitude journal prompts:

  1.  Who is someone who makes you feel loved? Why?
  2. Jot down three things that made you smile today.
  3. Name one quality you appreciate about each family member and why it’s important to you.
  4. What is your favorite memory with your spouse/significant other or best friend?
  5. Write about something/someone that made you laugh today.
  6. What do you enjoy about your morning?
  7. What is a challenge you’ve faced that turned out to be a good lesson?
  8. Share some positive news that you’ve received recently!
  9. Name an event that you’re excited to attend or celebrate. Why are you grateful for this opportunity?
  10. What is your favorite memory?
  11. What is the best compliment you’ve received?
  12. Why are you excited to begin or continue gratitude journaling?
  13. What is one personal strength you’re grateful for?
  14. What person or event from your childhood are you grateful for?
  15. Why is your home special?
  16. What is one thing you are looking forward to in the next 24 hours?
  17. Write a quote or Bible verse that inspires you right now, or makes you smile. Why does it have meaning for you?
  18. How can you show gratitude towards one person in your life, even if it’s small?
  19. Something you love about your job or career path.
  20. Your favorite mistake that ended in a great lesson or experience
  21. Name a few things you own that make your life easier (big or small).
  22. What is something you have to be grateful for regardless of how your day was?
  23. Something that reminds you of an important person in your life. Why are they important to you?
  24. Who has been an inspiration to you and why?
  25. What challenges have you recently overcome?
  26. What is one of the most beautiful things you’ve seen lately?
  27. One thing about today you want to remember and are grateful for.
  28. Name something you learned this year and how you have changed.
  29. Pretend you just won the Oscar for Best Actress in a movie. What would you say? Who would you thank?
  30. In the next year, how will you practice an attitude of gratitude?

Taking time for daily gratitude helps you recognize the good in your life. It’s a simple concept with a big impact. Whether it’s journaling, or simply thinking about what makes you grateful on a daily basis, being thankful is a small step with a big impact. 

Remember that each day has its positives and has something to cherish. It’s up to you to find them and write them down. 

Additional Gratitude Journals

Don’t stop now! Keep going with your gratitude journaling habit with this Gratitude Devotional Journal and the 100 Days of Gratefulness Journal.

The Gratitude Devotional Journal gives you 14 days of short devotional studies with Bible teaching on gratitude and how God is working your life to help you be more grateful.

Gratitude Devotional Journal

The 100 Days of Gratefulness Journal has a daily prompt for you to write a few sentences expressing gratitude. As you complete this journal, you will be able to look back and see the many blessings you have in your life.

100 Days of Gratefulness Journal

Get your Gratitude Devotional Journal and 100 Days of Gratefulness Journal today.


Daily gratitude makes a huge difference in your perspective. Take time each day to be thankful with a gratitude journal prompt.

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