Free Math Facts Worksheets
Is your child learning their math facts?
For some kids, memorizing math facts is easy, but for others, it will take several years of practice and repetition until they memorize all their math facts. Don’t give up. All 3 of my kids have memorized their math facts and believe me, for two of them, it took years of practice, review, and patience. I really didn’t think it was going to happen.
How to Memorize Math Facts
Memorizing math facts is worth the time and effort. If your kids are struggling with addition, here are a few ideas that might help:
- Practice several sets of math facts out loud daily
- Say math facts from memory daily. Encourage your child to visualize them as you say them.
- Use flashcards and play “Fastest hand” (i.e. you get a buzzer or slap the table, whoever knows the answer first hits the buzzer)
- Try putting your math facts to your favorite song or melody so you can sing your math facts (my son memorized the US Presidents this way, he can still sing the song he learned in 5th grade, he’s in 10th grade now).
- Have your child write their math facts once a week (practice handwriting and math)
- Daily speed drills (you can download more math worksheets from Speed drills help improve memory reflexes.
These math fact worksheets for kids will help your children practice basic addition and multi-digit adding.
Learning math takes time and repetition. These fun addition worksheets will help engage kids in math facts practice without being overwhelming or boring.
These addition worksheets for grades 1-3 are perfect for speed drills or extra practice.
This free pack includes 4 pages of math fact worksheets. Two pages of basic math worksheets and 2 pages of multi-digit addition.
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I wonder if you can advise me? I have a friend in upstate NY and I live in CA, so I cannot be much help hands-on, but she is bipolar and her oldest son is probably autistic. Do you know of any homeschooling groups and resources for such a specialized need?
Thank you.
Gloriamarie, here are a few blogs to check Our Crazy Adventures in Autismland and Everyday Graces.