The True Joy of Christmas

Christmas Blessing

Before Jesus, the world was in a dark place.  The Roman Empire was at its peak. The hearts of men were evil.

 Hope was dimming. But then, God sent a light shining through the darkness.  A light that would bring hope, peace and joy to all men, women and children. 

After thousands of years of waiting and hundreds of years silence since the prophets spoke, Jesus came born as a baby in a manager in Bethlehem.

Let’s consider how the coming of Jesus changed the world and still changes us today.

The Light of Jesus


The birth of Jesus made real the hope of Israel. Since Adam, God’s people were waiting for their redeemer, their hope. 

For many of us, the last 2 years have been dark filled with sadness, fear and hopelessness.

But, remember in the darkness and fear, Jesus brings us hope. Jesus gives us assurance and hope of the future.

Most importantly. through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, we can reconciled with God. 

“So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God.”

Romans 5:11

Sin has left us broken and in despair. Trust in the hope Jesus gives us today.


Jesus offers us peace even in a challenging world. We live in difficult times. No matter our circumstances or problems, when we trust Jesus we can have peace.

We are broken and live in a fallen world. With the Jesus, we have peace knowing our future is secure.

The angels sang of the peace Jesus would bring the world.

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those whom God is pleased.”

Luke 2:14

The birth of Jesus brought peace to the world. We can celebrate and look forward to the day when returns with peace forevermore.


Jesus gives a joy like no other.  
You may have friends that search for joy and happiness in things and experiences, but everything we try will fall short. Nothing will fill the emptiness and give you joy like Jesus.

The angels announced,

“Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring joy to all people. The Savior – yes, the Messiah, the Lord – has been born today Bethlehem, the city of David.”

Luke 2:10b-11

No greater news will ever be spoken. No earthly king or leader will ever bring the joy and peace that Jesus brought the world. 

We often forget the enormous change Jesus brought to the world and the change he brought to our lives. 

Pause for a moment today and consider how different your life would be without Jesus.

For two thousand years, Jesus has brought  light to dark places bringing life and hope to all who believe.

Christmas Blessing

May you know the hope that only Jesus brings,

May His presence be with you, comfort you and give you peace,

May His joy light your path this day and always.

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas.

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